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소화기계 의학용어 및 약어

by Hlog 2023. 3. 12.

1. abscess  농양                                 

2. colectomy  결장절제술

3. absorption  흡수                               

4. colic pain  산통

5. achalasia  이완불능(증), 식도경련               

6. colitis  결장염, 대장염

7. achlorhydria  무염산증                         

8. colon  결장

9. adhesion   유착, 접착(력)                      

10. -ascending colon  상행결장

11. ampulla of vater  바터 팽대부                 

12. -decending colon  하행결장

13. anal fistula  치루, 항문루                      

14. -sigmoid colon  S상결장

15. anal fissure  항문 열상                        

16. -transverse colon  횡행결장

17. anastomosis  문합술                           

18. colostomy  결장루 성형술

19. anorexia  식욕 부진                           

20. constipation  변비

21. antrum  동, 실, 강                            

22. decompression  감압

23. ascites  복수                                 

24. dehydration  탈수

25. aphagia  연하불능                            

26. dental caries  치아우식(증)

27. aphthous stomatitis  아프타성 구내염          

28. diarrhea  설사

29. appendicitis  충수염                          

30. diverticulectomy  게실 절제술

31. appendectomy  충수절제술                   

32. diverticulitis  게실염

33. belching 또는 eructation  트림                

34. diverticulosis  게실증

35. bulimia  식욕항진                            

36. dumping syndrome  덤핑 증후군

37. cachexia  악액질                             

38. duodenum  십이지장

39. cardiac sphincter  분문 괄약근                 

40. duodenal ulcer  십이지장 궤양

41. cholangioma  담관종                         

42. dysentery  이질

43. cholangitis  담관염                           

44. dyspepsia  소화불량

45. cholecystectomy  담낭 절제술                 

46. dysphagia  연하곤란, 연하장애

47. cholecytitis  담낭염                           

48. electrolyte  전해질

49. choleystography  담낭 조영(촬영)술            

50. elimination  배설, 제거

51. cholecystostomy  담낭 조루술                 

52. enteritis  장염

53. choledocholithiasis  총담관 결석증             

54. enterocolitis  소장결장염

55. choledocholithotripsy  총담관 결석 분쇄술      

56. enzyme  효소

57. choledochostomy  총담관 조루술               

58. epidemic parotitis, mumps 유행성이하선염, 볼거리
59. cholelithiasis  담석증                         

60. esophagus  식도

61. cholestasis  담즙정체                          

62. esophageal varice  식도 정맥류

63. cirrhosis  경변증                              

64. esophagectomy  식도 절제술

65. hemolytic jaundice 용혈성 황달               

66. parotitis. parotiditis 이하선염

67. laparotomy 개복술                            

68. peptic ulcer 소화성 궤양

69. lavage  세척                                 

70. perforation  천공

71. laxative  완화제                              

72.peritoneum  복막

73. leukoplakia  백반, 백반증                     

74. peritonitis  복막염

75. lithiasis  결석증                              

76. peritoneal abscess  복막농양

77. liver biopsy  간생검                          

78. pharynx  인두

79. liver cirrhosis  간경변증                      

80. pharyngitis  인두염

81. malaise  권태, 불쾌                          

82. pilonidal cyst  모소낭포

83. malignant  악성종양, 암                      

84. plaques  치태

85. Meckel's diverticulum 메켈 게실               

86. polyp  용종

87. miles' operation 마일즈 수술                  

88. polyphagia  다식증 대식

89. melena  혈변, 흑색변                         

90. portal hypertension  문맥성 고혈압

91. metabolism  대사                            

92. proctoplasty  직장 성형술

93. mesentery  장간막                           

94. prolapse  탈출

95. mesocolon  결장간막                         

96. ptyalism or salivation 타액분비과다

97. multiple polyposis 다발성 폴립증              

98. pyloric obstruction  유문폐쇄

99. mucinous cystadenoma 점액성 낭포선종       

100. pyloric sphincter  유문 괄약근

101. nausea 오심, 구역질                          

102. pyloric stenosis  유문협착

103. nasogastric tube intubation 비위관 삽입       

104. pyloromyotomy  유문근층 절개술

105. necrosis 괴사                                

106. pylorus  유문

107. obesity 비만증                               

108. radical neck dissection 근치 경부 절제술

109. obstruction  폐쇄, 차단                       

110. rectum  직장

111. occult blood  잠혈                           

112. rectocele  직장류, 직장 허니아

113. odynophagia 연하통                         

114. regimen  양생법, 규정식이법

115. omentum(greater, lesser) 대망, 소망          

116. regional enteritis  국소성 회장염

117. palate 구개                                 

118. regurgitation  역류

119. palatoplasty  구개성형술                   

120.saliva  타액, 침

121. pancreas  췌장                             

122. salivary glands 타액선

123. pancreatectomy  췌장절제술                 

124. sialadenitis  타액선염

125. pancreatitis 췌장염                          

126. sialolithiasis  타석증

127. pancreatojejunostomy  췌공장 문합술         

128. sialadenectomy  타액선 절제술

129. paracentesis 천자술                         

130. steatorrhea  지방변

131. parotid gland  이하선                       

132. stomach  위

133. parotidectomy  이하선 절제술                

134. stomatitis  구내염

135. esophagitis 식도염                           

136. hemorrhoid  치질

137. fatigue 피로                                 

138. hemorrhoidectomy  치질절제술

139. fatty liver 지방간                            

140. herniation  탈장

141. fecal impaction  매복변                      

142. hepatitis  간염

143. fistulatomy  누공절개술                     

144. infectious hepatitis  감염성 간염

145. fistulectomy  누공절제술                    

146. serum hepatitis  혈청성 간염

147. fissurectomy  치열절제술                    

148. hepatic lobectomy  간엽절제술

149. flatus  팽만                                 

150. hepatic abscess  간농양

151. flatulence  고창                             

152. hepatic coma  간성혼수

153. gallbladder  담낭                            

154. hepatoencephalopathy  간성뇌증

155. gastrectomy  위절제술                       

156. hepatoma  간종양

157. gastric lavage  위세척                       

158. hepatomegaly  간비대

159. gastritis  위염                               

160. hernia  탈장

161. gastric pylorus  위유문부                    

162. herniorraphy  탈장 봉합술

163. gastric paresis   위 부전마비                

164. hiatus hernia  식도열공 허니아

165. gastric retention  위정체                     

166. hiccough  딸꾹질

167. gastric ulcer  위궤양                        

168. hyperbilirubinemia  고빌리루빈혈증

169. gastrin  가스트린                            

170. hyperglycemia  고혈당

171. gastrocolic reflex  위장반사                  

172. hypochlorohydria  저염산증

173. gastroduodenitis   위십이지장염              

174. hypoglycemia  저혈당

175. gastroduodenostomy 위십이지장문합술        

176. ileostomy  회장루 형성루

177.gastroenteritis  위장염                       

178. ileitis  회장염

179. gastrointestinal series 위장관 조영술          

180. ileocolitis  회결장염

181. gastroptosis  위하수                         

182. ileocolostomy  회결장문합술

183. gastropexy  위고정술                        


184. ileum  회장

185. gastroscopy  위경검사                       

186. ileus  장폐색증

187. gastrostomy  위루술                         

188. islets of langerhans  랑게르한스섬

189. gavage feeding  위관영양                    

190. incontinence of feces 배변실금

191. gland 선(체액을 분비 또는 배설하는 기관)     

192. indigestion  소화불량

193. glossectomy  설절제                         

194. inflammation  염증

195. gingiva, gum  잇몸                           

196. intestinal diverticulosis 장게실증

197. gingivitis  치은염                             

198. intestinal obstruction  장폐색증

199. halitosis구취                                  

200. intussusception  장중첩(증), 중적증

201. hard palate  경구개                          

202. jaundice, icterus  황달

203. heartburn  가슴앓이                         

204. obstructive jaundice  폐쇄성 황달

205. hematemesis  토혈                         

206. hepatic jaundice  간성 황달

207. stomatoplasty 구강 성형술

208. ulcerative colitis 궤양성 대장염
209. sublingual gland 설하선

210. umbilical hernia 제대 탈장
211. swallow 삼키다

212. uvula 목젖, 구개수
213. tarry stool 타르변

214. uvulitis 구개수염
215. tenesmus 이급후증. 뒤 무직

216. vagotomy 미주신경 절단술
217. thirst 갈증

218. varix 정맥류
219. tonsil 편도

220. vermiform appendix 충수
221. -palatine tonsil 구개편도

222. volvulus 장축염전증           
223. -pharyngeal tonsil 인두편도

224. vomiting 구토
225. tonsillitis 편도염

226. whipple's operation 휘플수술
227. tooth 치아, 이

228. xerostomia 구내건조증
229. trauma 외상, 충격

230. Zollinger 졸린거
231. tumor 종양

232. -Ellison syndrome 엘리슨 증후군
233. ulcer 궤양

234. tongue 혀
235. submandibular gland 악하선

236. thrush 아구창


237. A/G ratio albumin/globulin ratio 알부민/글로불린 비율

238. AFP alpha fetoprotein α태아성 단백질

239. ALP alkaline phosphatase 알칼리성 인산효소

240. APTT activated partial thromboplastin time 부분적 프로트롬빈 시간

241. BAE barium enema 바륨관장

242. CEA carcinoembryonic antigen 암태아성 항원

243. CT computed tomography 전산화 단층촬영술
244. ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 내시경 담관췌장조영술
245. GBS gallbladder series 담낭조영술

246. GI tract gastrointestinal tract 위장관

247. GGT gama glutamyl transpeptidase 감마글루타민 전이효소

248. GTT glucose tolerance test 당내성검사

249. HDL high density lipoprotein 고밀도 지단백

250. LAP lucine amino peptidase 류신 아미노 펩티다아제

251. LDH lactic dehydrogenase 유산 탈수소 효소

252. LDL low density lipoprotein 저밀도 지단백

253. LGI lower gastrointestinal 하부 위장관

254. LFT liver function test 간기능 검사

255. LLQ left lower quadrant 좌측하부의 4분의 1
256. LUQ left upper quadrant 좌측상부의 4분의 1
257. RLQ right lower quadrant 우측하부의 4분의 1
258. RUQ right upper quadrant 우측상부의 4분의 1
259. MA miller abott (tube) 밀러-아봇(관)
260. MAC midarm circumference 중간 팔 둘레
261. MAMC midarm muscle circumference 중간 팔근육 둘레

262. NG tube (NGT) nasogastric tube 비위관

263. NPO nothing per oral cavity 경구투여 금지
264. PPN peripheral parenteral nutrition 말초를 통한 비경구영양
265. PT prothrombin time 프로트롬빈 시간 

266. PTBD percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage 경피적 횡간의 담낭 배농
267. PTHC percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 경피적 횡간 담관 촬영술
268. RUQ right upper quadrant 우상복부

269. SB sengstaken-blackmore(tube) 센스텐- 블라크모시 튜브
270. SGOT(AST) serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase 혈청 글루타민 옥실초산의 아미노기전이 효소
271. SGPT(ALT) serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase 혈청 글루타민 피루빈산의 아미노기전이 효소

272. TSF triceps skinfold thickness 삼두근 피부 주름 비대

273. TPN total parenteral nutrition 총비경구영양

274. UGI Series upper gastrointestinal series 상부위장촬영

275. VLDL very low density lipoprotein 극저비중 지단백
276. ALK Alkaline phosphatase 알카리성 인산효소(포스파타 제)
277. ALT, AST Alanine transaminase, Aspartic acid transaminase 간기능 효소검사
278. BE Barium enema 바륨관장 X-ray

279. BRBPR Bright red blood through rectum ; hematochezia 혈변배설(직장)

280. BM Bowel movement 장운동

281. CTscan ( = C A T scan) Computed tomography (computed axial tomography) 컴퓨터 단층촬영

282. EGD Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 식도, 위, 십이지장경 검사
283. ERCP Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 내시경적 역행성 담관췌장 조영술 

284. GB Gallbladder 담낭

285. GI Gastrointestinal 위장관의

286. IBD Inflammatory bowel disease 염증성 장질환
287. LFTs Liver funtion tests ; alk phos, bilirubin, AST(SGOT), ALT(SGPT) 간기능 검사
288. NG tube Nasogastric tube 비위관튜브

289. NPO Nothing by mouth(nulla per os) 금식

290. PUD Peptic ulcer disease 소화성 궤양 질환
291. S G O T , SGPT serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase 간기능 효소검사
292. TPN Total parenteral nutrition 전비경구적 영양

293. UGI Upper gastrointestinal 상부위장관(조영술)
